I am seeking a new journey in the field of Data Science where I get exposure to real-world problems and an understanding of business using data. I am currently exploring visualization tools such as PowerBI and different python libraries.
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Based on toll transactions of 4 tolls and various details about tolls such as Coordinates, Price, etc I calculated the revenue lost because of vehicles skipping tolls
Bangalore being called the silicon valley of India and has houses with different price ranges. So, I predicted the price of houses using factors like location, size, total sq ft, etc where I tried a different algorithm and got the maximum accuracy of 82% using Linear regression.
After cleaning and manipulating data using power query, I created a dashboard for the following criteria: Top 5 revenue-generating products and customers. Revenue trend for the last 4 years. Distribution of revenue and sales quantity across different market zones.
After cleaning and manipulating the data, I analyzed the data for the following points: Compared the 2 best defenders and their skillset Discovered the next best player with great potential and are very young (age<19) Looked at the distribution of top 100 players across Countries, Clubs and Leagues.